The head of school “Vedvoy” Popov I.A.
Education degree is the higher pedagogical.
In 2001, defended his first degree with the subject of the Russian hand-to-hand fighting.
Has the experience in martial arts for more than 30 years.
1987-1990 Karate-do;
1990-1994 U-shu (Tai Chi Chuan Chen);
Studies the Russian martial art more than 20 years. Studied different directions: Saratov school; Kadochnikov`s system; “Shkval”, etc.
The experience in teaching the Russian style of hand-to-hand fighting for more than 18 years.
From 2000 met and gained experience from such famous masters of the Russian hand-to-hand fighting as: A.A. Kadochnikov, A.L. Lavrov, M.V. Ryabko, D.V. Skogorev, A.E. Belousov, I.V. Grigoriev.
The pedagogical education and the constant analysis of domestic martial systems gave the opportunity to create and to work out the methodology of teaching hand-to-hand fighting.
The author of seminar programs by the methodologies of hand-to-hand fighting.